English II Beginning of Year Testing

English II Beginning of Year Testing

Because we were unable to do STAAR/EOC testing this pastSpring, CSA has opted into TEA's Beginning of the Year (BOY) assessments inorder to identify at-risk students for our Accelerated Instruction (AI)program. The content on the tests will be what they learned in the grade theywere in LAST YEAR; a student who is currently in 5th grade will have atest with only 4th grade content on it. Students currently in grades 4-9th willtake both math and reading tests, those in 10th grade will take Algebra I andEnglish I, and our current 11th graders will take the English II exam. TheEnglish I and II tests will have no essay portion, just multiple choice.


The exams will be done online at home on ChromeBooks orhome computer and will start August 24th. Students are given 4 hours to takeeach exam so they will do math on one day and reading the next. AM testing willbegin promptly at 8am and end at 12pm. PM testing will begin at 12:05 and endat 4:05. Students will be excused from any Zoom class on the day of testing, astheir attendance will be counted by taking the test. Ms. Lyftogt, our counselorand testing coordinator, will be proctoring the exams via Zoom. She will sendout  Log-Ins, Passwords, and the Zoom link prior to testing. If you haveany questions, please email her at heatherlyftogt@chaparralstaracademy.com

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