CSA Governing Board Meeting

CSA Governing Board Meeting
3/29/2021, 6:30 PM 8:00 PM

There will be a meeting of the Chaparral Star Academy governing board on Monday, March 29, 2021.  The agenda for the meeting has been posted on campus, on the school's website and can be found attached to this notification.

Due to health and safety concernsrelated to the COVID-19 coronavirus, this meeting will be conducted byvideoconference. At least a quorum of the board will be participating byvideoconference or telephone call in accordance with the provisions of Sections551.125 or 551.127 of the Texas Government Code that have not been suspended byorder of the governor.


Members of the public may access thismeeting as follows: To attend the meeting, please e-mail board president, Ryan Palm (ryanpalm@chaparralstaracademy.com)to request an invitation to the meeting (utilizing Zoom software).


Public comments related to thismeeting will be handled as follows: Members of the public who wish to address the boardin general/public comments should e-mail board president, Ryan Palm (ryanpalm@chaparralstaracademy.com)before 6:30pm on March 29, 2021 requesting to speak during general/publiccomments. During the respective section of the meeting, members of the publicwill be unmuted in order to speak.


Members of the public who desire toaddress the board regarding an item on this agenda must comply with thefollowing registration procedures: Members of the public can use the “raise hand” feature in the Zoomsoftware to alert the board of a desire to speak outside of general/publiccomments.  However, the governing boardwill continue to follow established guidelines for public meeting, which can befound at the MeetingProcedures section of the school’s website.


The open portions of this meeting willbe recorded and made available to the public upon request.

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