Last Day of School

Last Day of School

Friday, June 4th: Reflection:  All students are to submit a written piece (appropriate for grade level) on“2020-21 Was Hard, But This is What I Learned” to their respective English teacher.  This activity should be completed and submitted during the AM session (7:45-11:40).  The morning session is also reserved for the return of Chromebooks, textbooks, etc.  Aschedule will follow soon.


June4-Campus is open from 8:00-12:00 and students (k-12) should submit theirasynchronous written piece “2020-21 Was Hard, But This is What I Learned” by11:59 pm.  K-8 students submit to theirrespective English teacher while high school submits to Ms. Navarro.  Some students may drop by campus to depositChromebooks or other materials (in the Main Commons Area). Drop off will followthis schedule:

8:00-9:00Last Name A-G

9:00-10:00Last Name H-N

10:00-11:00Last Name O-T

11:00-12:00Last Name U-Z


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