Student Mental Health Resources » Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

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suicide prevention
If you are having thoughts of self-harm or suicide OR know of another person having self-harm thoughts (or has done self-harm) or suicidal thoughts during the school day, please tell a teacher, go to the front desk, go to the Student Support Counselor Ms. Lyftogt's office or e-mail Ms. Lyftogt.
If you are having thoughts of self-harm or suicide OR know of another person having self-harm thoughts (or has done self-harm) or suicidal thoughts outside-of-school, please tell a trusted adult, a friend, e-mail a teacher or e-mail the Student Support Counselor Ms. Lyftogt.

Chaparral Star Academy recognizes that physical, mental, behavioral, and emotional health are each important components of a student’s educational outcomes. The purpose of this policy is to protect the health and well-being of all students by establishing procedures to assess the risk of, prevent, intervene in, and respond to suicide.

Chaparral Star Academy acknowledges the school’s role in providing an environment which is sensitive to individual and societal factors that place youth at greater risk for suicide and one which helps to foster positive youth development.

Annually, during September, Student Support Counselor, Ms. Heather Lyftogt, instructs 6th-12th grade students on information surrounding suicide and suicide prevention using research-based curriculum (Jason Foundation:

This policy is intended to be paired with other policies supporting the mental, behavioral, and emotional health of students. As part of that intention, this policy is meant to be applied in accordance with Chaparral Star Academy’s Child Find obligations under federal law.

This program is in compliance with TEC §38.351.